
Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year, New Time, Re-invent Yourself

Happy New Year!! Its a new year now, 2011 and that means you have a great opportunity to re-invent yourself. As for me, I plan on changing a lot of things about myself. I know that sometimes people create a long list of new year resolutions and at the end of the year, they find that they haven't fulfilled even one from that list.

Well I don't intend to do that. I've been one of those persons for as long as I can remember but I choose to really re-invent myself. So, on the last day of December I really looked at myself (I've really been doing this for much longer) and I came up with a few things that I plan on doing this year 2011.

I hope that other have the same views and plan on doing something for themselves. For all the people who were told that they can't 2011 is YOUR year. For all the people who have failed and think they can't continue, 2011 is YOUR year. For all those who haven't even tried because of the fear of failure, 2011 is YOUR year.

So, that's what people should focus on this year, creating a better life for themselves regardless of fear, or lack of support, 2011 is YOUR year.

Have a Happy and Prosperous New Year everyone!! Please leave a comment and tell me how you plan to re-invent yourself.

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